Founded in 1953 by Dr. John R. Christopher
The School of Natural Healing
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Advanced Iridology Seminar
Level 3
Enjoy 4 days of intensive, onsite study with Dr. David Pesek. The Advanced Iridology Seminar takes place in various locations around the United States. Students who have completed Levels One and Two of the home study program will be eligible to attend. David will expand upon the knowledge previously gained through the Home Study Program, offering advanced techniques in reading a live eye, and more. Seating may be limited, but you may reserve your place at any time.
What you will learn in this course:
Proficiency and confidence to practice as an Iridologist
Extensive training and various protocols for reading a "live eye" and iris photography
Various lighting techniques for live examinations and iris photography
Advanced information on iris topography
Assessment of faulty conscious and subconscious "belief systems" that lead to degenerative conditions
Sclera indicators and their interpretation relative to thought, emotion and tissue health
Abnormalities of the iris and pupil
Techniques for building a practice of Iridology, or integration into an existing health care practice
The seminar is generally offered once a year and is conducted by Dr. Pesek, and payment can be set up by contacting him directly.